Rent to Own Your Way to Retirement

There is no doubt that it is one of the hardest times in history to enter into the real estate market. 

Real estate across Canada is increasing.  In large markets like Toronto and Vancouver, and the surrounding suburbs, we are seeing astronomical prices that have only sky-rocketed in the past few years. 

In smaller markets, rural towns we are seeing markets climb, and competition for housing increasingly difficult. 

Not to mention trying to get a mortgage seems like the ever impossible task, even with a good household income.  

If you are trying to get a mortgage with bad credit, or you are self employed… good luck, you will need it. 

Rent to Own Canada has helped many people that are not currently mortgage ready, but see the value in owning their own home.  

With Rent to Own Canada you will have a locked in purchase price that will allow you to save accordingly.  This also prevents homes continuing to be out of reach if the market takes a big jump up again. 

If you own a house now at age 30, and housing markets match target inflation at 2% a year, the value of the house will double by the time you are 65. 

Housing markets usually rise much faster than 2%. Let’s look at how long it would take our house to double in price. 

3% per year = 24 years or age 54

4% per year = 18 years or age 48

5% per year = 15 years or age 45

Imagine how owning a house will change the future of your life, and give you freedom in retirement. 

Rent to Own Canada puts you in a place to be mortgage ready at the end of the term.  

Rent to Owning a home will be more expensive in the short term but will create wealth in the long run. 

Imagine paying rent for the next twenty years and having nothing to show for it, or Rent to Own a home and potentially have the value of it double!