Rent To Own For A Better Financial Future

Why would you want to own a house in the first place? 

There may be a lot of headaches with owning a house, and if you were renting instead you would call your landlord and tell them you have a problem and they fix it for you. 

The reason why your landlord rents homes, and deals with the headaches is because they are building a better financial future by renting their house to you. 

House prices continue to rise over time.  We are getting more people in Canada, and we aren’t getting any more land.  So just imagine what a home will be worth twenty years from now. 

The other thing is that when you pay rent, you lose 100% of the money you pay.  With a mortgage on your home some of that is lost to interest but a large chunk goes towards the principal on the home.  Meaning you’re gaining more equity. 

For example as a house’s value increases over time, with your regular mortgage payments the amount you owe on the mortgage continues to decrease. 

This is why so many financial experts, friends and family claim your house is your best investment you will ever have. 

Rent To Own allows you to enter the housing market when you otherwise couldn’t.  This ability to enter the market will completely change your financial destiny, and set you up for a wonderful retirement.